Monday, July 22, 2013

Unit 4 B.3 #1-4 p. 344

1. Human exposure to ultraviolet radiation is more harmful than infrared radiation because infrared is simply heat energy, while ultraviolet, on the other hand, is a more energetic form of sun radiation. Ultraviolet radiation can cause sunburns and skin cancer. This harms many organisms through its ability to break covalent bonds.

2. Two essential roles played by visible solar radiation are that visible solar radiation energizes electrons in some chemical bonds. This supplies energy needed for photosynthesis reactions and the scattering of light in a sunset.

3. Due to less water vapor, there is less greenhouse gas caused by water vapor in dry and arid regions. Infrared radiation is not as stored and reradiated and reflected back into the atmosphere from the entering of UV and visible light that is transformed into IR radiation in clouds, but the visible and UV radiation directly exposed to the surface of the earth is used to heat earth.

a. The daytime temperatures would be cooler, because with less greenhouse gases such as CO2 and H2O, less infrared radiation would be stored and reradiated and reflected back into the atmosphere from the transformation of UV and visible radiation to IR radiation in clouds. Less stored heat energy would enter throughout the day.
b. Nights would be very cold without the presence of the sun because there would be no stored heat energy in the atmosphere. 

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