Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Snake River Fish Kill Cause

    Group Lithium:
Its no myth, just call us Lith. 
       In scenario one, after reviewing our extensive data, the cause of the fish kill still remained unclear. However, after more extensive research, we figured out the cause of the fish kill. We noticed an abnormal amount of rainfall during the month of August, coincidentally the month before the fish kill started. We also noticed that there were pesticides the month before, and during, the fish kill. Finally, we reached the conclusion that the increase in rainfall contributed to a high water flow, causing pesticides to wash into the river, killing the fish. In scenario two, after reviewing our data, we concluded that the fish kill was also caused by rainfall except the rainfall caused nitrate to wash into the river, rather than pesticides. Both of these reasonings lead to the fish kill in Snake River.

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