Wednesday, July 10, 2013

2SAS #26-28, #29-34 p.132; 2SBS #1-8 p.151

26. Metallic elements are most likely to lose electrons than nonmetallic elements.

27. This indicates that they are chemically un-reactive.

28. a. cation
      b. cation
      c. anion
      d. cation
      e. anion
      f. cation
      g. cation
      h. anion

29. Copper metal and copper (II) ions are more similar chemically because their only difference is the absence of 2 electrons.

30. 205 pm

31. a. rusting; painting the substance by hand
      b. combustion; boiling
      c. acids may cause this gas formation; boiling to the point of evaporation

32. a. bromine
      b. silicon

33. In comparison, both solving the fish kill and Mendeleev's use of element data to create the periodic table use knowledge of different properties and masses to make hypotheses.

34. Argon would need to be put after potassium, while cobalt would have to be put after nickel to produce a different ordering of adjacent elements.


1. Atmosphere: nitrogen and oxygen.
    Hydrosphere: water and dissolved minerals.
    Lithosphere: petroleum and metal-bearing oars.

2. A. The crust- thin band of soil and rock
         The core- earth's center; extremely hot
         The mantle- middle layer of the lithosphere
    B. The crust does.

3. A. Mexico
    B. Japan
    C. China

4. China does.

5. Minerals differ from ores in ways that minerals contain the element or group of elements in interest, while ores contain a mixture of components.

6. -the quantity of useful ore found at the site
    -the percent of metal in the ore
    -the type of mining and processing needed to extract the metal from its ore
    -the distance between the mine and metal-refining facilities and markets
    -the metal's supply-versus-demand status
    -the environmental impact of the mining and metal processing

7. The demand for gold may have risen and there may have been a gold replenishment.

8. Useful ore refers to the amount of mineral being mined.

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