Thursday, July 25, 2013

Feedback on the summer Chemistry course

1. The review sessions before the mini quizzes and tests have been extremely helpful, and worked really well this summer.

2. Some suggestions I have for tweaking or changing the source are, like we did today, to do the practice quiz before the mini quizzes. Also, another suggestion is for more review of the material that is going to be on the test.

3. I think that group presentations would be a much more interesting way of presenting the presentations. I like economist articles, but some other creative ideas like videos and performances, or songs, would be interesting. On the other hand, this might take more time. Personally, I liked the economist articles and I would leave that as it is.

4. We could use the blogs more effectively for studying for tests and finals. Everyone could find a group, and make a study guide with all the material. Then, everyone would use each others blogs and everyone would have most of the information.

5. Checking the homework would be good, but if it was not to be checked it would't make much of a difference. There is so much pressure of tests and quizzes, so if everyone had so much pressure on homework, everyone would be so worried and stressed and it isn't really worth it in the end.

6. More drawings, cool experiments without as many lab reports, and ideas like that would be a very creative approach to the new year. I think students would enjoy this very much.

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