Monday, June 17, 2013

A.5 #1-3 on p. 17

1.  The greatest single use of water for each region in the United States is:
A.     The East: Stream/ Electric
B.     The South: Stream/ Electric
C.     The Midwest: Stream/ Electric
D.    The West: Irrigation/ Agriculture
E.     Alaska: Mining
F.     Hawaii: Irrigation/ Agriculture

2. In the East, domestic, industrial and steam/electric are more common. These are more common because they do not have as many farming opportunities and similar weather conditions to the west. The west has more irrigation and agriculture due to these farming and weather opportunities.
3. There are more factories in the east, therefore the steam/ electric percent of water used influences the economy in the way that the factories create an income for the east. The use of factories involves a great use of water. Mining in Alaska greatly affects the economy. Mining is 55% of the percent of water used in Alaska. In Hawaii, there is a great percentage of water used domestically. When cutting up a cow and cooking it, you are using tons of water and supplies that cost money. Economically, this is the greatest water use in Hawaii. In the South, steam/ electric is also used within factories, making up 63% of the water used. This makes up an economy providing for everyone in the south. Without water, the economy wouldn’t be at the stable place its at today. In the west, the economy relies on irrigation due to the good weather. Without this irrigation and agriculture, the economy would not survive. The Midwest also relies on the steam and electric percent of water used. Their economy would also not survive if the factories did not exist. Water is what helps all of this run smoothly, helping the economy survive in each of these U.S. regions.

ISAS #1, 2, 8-13, 17 on p. 23-24

1.  Jimmy Hendricks drinking only packaged fruit juice during the water shortage does not mean that he did not use any water. Water was needed to grow and process the various components of this juice. The quantity of liquid is insignificant when compared with the quantity of water used to make the container in which the juice is store, and possibly to irrigate the fruit trees and process the fruit juice. 
2.  With the production of a loaf of bread, many indirect uses of water are used. Water is required to produce the wheat, and then water is used to process the bread. In conclusion, more water is used to make the protection for the bread.
8.  Yes, the world’s total water has changed in the past 100 and 1 million years. Both climate change and global warming have a lot to do with this change.
9. The following locations, ranked in order from greatest to least total water abundance on earth, are in oceans, glaciers, rivers, then water vapor.
10. This would be true in the situation of a drought. You would be surrounded by water in things such as the ground, air, and in different packing or wrapping but not pure water that you could drink.
11. About 75% of water is used in irrigation and agriculture within the US region.
12. A. Glaciers and ice caps- 2.11%
       B. Lakes- 0.009%
13. Water, even from the times of the dinosaurs, has been reused and distributed to many different places. Things such as precipitation also effect this distribution of water.
17. Both values may be correct. These sources may be measuring the average use of water daily in different ways, using different resources of water.

Quick Blog Question:
Lack of water is more critical in my opinion because either way, polluted or not polluted, you are left without pure, drinking water. 

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