Sunday, June 23, 2013

ISBS #13-18 p.50-52


14. a. i, ii, iv, vi
      b. iii, v

15. A chemical formula provides different chemical substances, symbols, and elements present in a formula.

16. a. hydrogen (3), Phosphorus (1), and Oxygen (4)
      b. Sodium (1), Oxygen (1), Hydrogen (1)
      c. Sulfur, Oxygen (2)


 c. Two hydrogen atoms plus two chlorine atoms equals two hydrogen and chlorine atoms. Two compounds of hydrogen and oxygen equals two compounds of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom plus two oxygen atoms.

18. a) NaHCO3 + HCl --> NaCl + H20 + CO2
     b) C6H12O6 + 6 O2 --> 6 CO2 + 6 H2

A.7 #1-2 p. 20

1. 8,417 liters of water were used by my household in the three days.

2. 561 liters of water are used by one family member (on average) in a day.

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