Wednesday, June 19, 2013

ISBS #1-12

1. A physical property is a property that can be observed and measured without changing the chemical makeup of the substance.

2. Three physical properties of water are density, freezing point, and boiling point.

3. Liquid water has a higher density than the density of solid water.

4. You can find the setting of water as a solid, a liquid and gas all at the same time if it is snowing, you near a lake, and it is cloudy outside.

5. Heterogeneous mixtures and homogeneous mixtures are different in ways that heterogeneous mixtures are not uniform throughout the mixture, but homogeneous mixtures are. 

6. To predict which liquid is on top, you would need to know the density of both the water and the gasoline. 

7. A. colloid
    B. colloid
    C. solution
    D. solution 
    E. suspension
    F. colloid

8. This demonstrates that the air in the room is a colloid because the beam of light is indicating that small, solid particles were still in the water. This is called the Tyndall effect. 

9. A solution and a suspension 

10. The red liquid mixture would be a colloid because it is experiencing the Tyndall effect. No particles are sinking to the bottom because they are too small to be visible. 

11. Substances are uniform and have a definite composition, as well as distinct properties. Two examples of a substance are elements and compounds. 

12. A. compound
      B. element
      C. compound
      D. element
      E. compound
      F. compound
      G. element 

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