Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A.8 #1-4 p. 22

1. I could not do without showering, washing my hands, or washing my hair.
2. One activity that I could not do without is showering.
3. I could reduce my water use showering. I could take shorter showers, which would save water for the use of other purposes.
4. A. I could use such impure water to wash the car, windows, and floors.
    B. This water could be taken from prior uses such as watering the plants or washing a pet.

ISAS #3, 4, 5, 6, 7 p. 23

3. A. Manufacturing filter paper is an indirect water use. This is an indirect water use because this is a hidden use of water that you may have never considered.
    B. The premoistening of the sand and gravel is a direct water use. This is a direct water use because this is directly measured water used in the lab.
    C. The use of water to cool the distillation apparatus is also a direct use of water because you are experiencing this water use in the lab as well.
4. To "purify" water means to clean and free water of its impurities.
5. Three techniques for purifying water are oil-water separation, sand filtration, and charcoal adsorption.
6. In oil-water separation, oil was removed. In sand filtration, coffee grounds were removed. Lastly, in charcoal adsorption, the color, odor, and sand were separated.
7. A. The procedure used in the foul-water laboratory investigation could not convert seawater to water suitable for drinking because salt was dissolved into the water, due to the these tiny salt particles.
    B. The additional steps needed to make seawater suitable for drinking are heat. This heat would allow the water to turn into vapor, leaving the salt behind.

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